السبت، 5 نوفمبر 2016

Fruit Cake


125 g butter

125 gm sugar powder

1/2 cup corn flour

1/2 cup flour Normal

1 tablespoon Baking Powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

Pinch of salt

5 pieces pineapple

5 pieces peaches

5 beads Craze

How to prepare

- Keep the butter in a machine and add sugar to it and hit him well and then add the eggs with the eggs, then add the vanilla Albekeanj powder and salt into the flour and add him corn flour and then add it in the machine

- And then we get oiled tray lined with sugar and balances in the Chinese fruit and add to him the previous mixture

- And enters the oven, then add him mixed Alcirb Balchorn Fleur

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